Two weeks ago, my family and I decided that we should invite some of our friends over and play. We thought about what we could do with them. There is a huge soccer field (football as they call it in Belize. It makes more sense!) with a cement pad for basket ball beside it, a few minutes away from where we live. So we sent out a text to all three families to come to the field on Saturday. Saturday came, so we put some water, a basket ball, a frisbee, and a soccer ball in the trunk of the car. We went to the field and took the things out of the car. we started to pass the frisbee around. (The Belizean family that lives on our property have 3 kids so we took them along too!) Then our friends that own the restaurant beside the field.(Beatrice and Whitney and the kids Beyla and Lisa) dropped off only Beyla who is 1 year older than I am (she is 9). Then our other 2 friends came.(Nery and Marien and their kids Summer and Nicole(We call her Nicky)she is the same age as me!) and(Luke and Roxanne and their kids Naomi, Malachi, Courage, Prudence, Josiah and Titus.) Everyone wanted to play soccer so we did. Boys against girls. But we also soon found out that half the field was slippery mud! But did that stop us from playing soccer? NOT A CHANCE!! We played even with the mud! But there was LOTS of falling and laughing and we were all VERY muddy people at the end! Daddy and I even went sliding in it at the end! Since we were so muddy, Belay and Lisa have a beautiful creek behind their house, so we went over in the back of Nery's pick-up to the creek and go wash off. The current was very strong so we all had to go in one at a time. It had been so fun that we decided to do it the next Saturday as well!
This is Summer in the purple shirt, Nicky in the black, not muddy shirt, Marien in the green flower shirt, and Mom in the teal shirt and me in the muddy, black shirt. |
This past Saturday, We did it again and this time 10 - 12 kids from the village joined in! But this time the mud had dried up and it was not slippery. After soccer we went over to our house and had hamburgers with them. They were delicious! After that, Daddy took Luke and Roxanne back home but Nery and Marien stayed. Summer, Nicky, Keaton, Gavin, Annika and I played a fun game of tag.
Then we went upstairs and played Pictionary boys against girls until 7:00!
I had SOO much fun!!!! I now am hoping that we can don it almost every week!!!!
So that's all for now,
Remember to leave comments!
Paige :)