Sunday, March 15, 2015

Weekend Of Exitment

So sorry it has been such a long time since my last posting. With nana and papa here, I didn't have time to go online and write one.
So, here it goes!

With nana and papa, we went to Jaguar Reef resort for two nights and two and a half days. We requested the same room that we had last time to have again this time. We had fun splashing in the pool, walking down the beach and sitting on beach chairs. At night, after and before supper, we watched Swiss Family Robinson. I REALLY liked it because there was a lot of funny parts in it.
Yup....our daily swimming.
Nana and Papa soaking up the sun.

'Happy hour' at the resort means
3 scoops of ice-cream for the
price of 2 scoops!!!!!

Saturday, March 14 we went to Nery and Mariens to slaughter our broiler chickens. We brought a cooler and three bins of live chickens. First Nery grabbed one chicken by the feet then chopped its head off with his machete. Then he threw the body into the grass, and boy.....they were active!!!! Backflips and summersaults....I never knew chickens could do that!! Once it was on its back and wasn't moving, Nery grabbed it and dipped it in boiling water holding it by the feet. Then came the plucking.  Out came all the feathers!!! After all 16 chickens had been plucked, we did a five second grill on both sides of the chicken. Then Daddy, Momma and Nery did the cutting-open and
de-gutting. GROSS!!!!       We all had our jobs in the chicken cleaning. The adults did the cutting, Keaton did the quick wash, I did the rinsing in lime water and bagging, Summer(our friend) kept the cats from eating the liver, heart and stomach(which we were keeping)from out of the bag. And Grady...well, half the time she was telling us she was bored and the other half she was filling up water buckets for us. After, we had a VERY delicious, home raised, chicken lunch. Then we went outside and picked some Belizean raspberries and cherries to freeze. Next we came inside and had Choco- Banana which is a banana on a stick dipped in chocolate. By 7 o'clock we were on the floor doing an 1000 piece puzzle. I have to say I surprised myself that I liked chicken butchering so much!

Plucking!!!!Look at me right in there!
From food. YUMMY!