Hey Everyone,
Sorry for the late posting.
Lots has happened so I will start with the ,most resent, then to the later events.
First of all..........HAPPY CANADA DAY!!!!!! In honour of Canada( even if we're in Belize) we wore some red and white.
We are also expanding our green house just less than double the size. Our resort market is getting bigger every week and we are up to about a dozen resorts, so we are making the green house bigger so that we can keep up. We started two days ago and put on the roof. This morning, the boys put up one wall up. I think it is fun and exciting to be doing all of our family projects together.
Also, we have gotten our fist mail in our mailbox!!!Yah! It was from Great Oma and Great Opa.
We also bought 1000 mahogany trees to plant on our new property so we went out and planted about 250 with Nery and Marien. We also planted some mango and avocado trees.
A friend of ours, Beatrice, and her kids, Beyla, Lisa and Isabel just moved onto Nery and Marien's property. God held of the rain long enough to get all the things off of the trailer just before it started to pour.( oh yes. It is rainy season now and we are getting LOTS of rain)The house looks very good now, now that everything's put in its place.
Also, Santina, Nery and Marien's German shepherd dog, just had seven puppies about three weeks ago. Now they are starting to open their small eyes and crawl around. There was only one girls out of all of the seven puppies. They look really cute.
So again, Happy Canada day.
Love and miss all so much,