Monday, October 26, 2015

Well, well, well, it's been so long since I wrote, I don't have a clue what I left you with.

Oh, yes, our surprise visitors. We had an awesome rest of the time with them.

So, we have two guys out at the property that are drilling a well. They are down about 230 feet and still no water. We are hopping to hit some water soon, so pray for lots of water. On Saturday, October 24,  we went out and planted some Arachis, which is a pant in the peanut family, in hopes that it will take over the other plants as a grass. It is also high in protein, so it is a good chicken food. We planted a Surinam Cherry tree and the Acerola Cherry tree so that they could grow. We also transplanted some small banana trees to a sunnier area.

Later on that afternoon, we went to FTC for their yearly sale. It was packed with people. There, we picked out a whole bunch of material for Summer, Nikki, Keaton, Grady and I's new business, Kids 2 Kids Belize. Sorry, let me back up a bit......
The De La Rosa kids, (Summer and Nikki) and the Dietrich kids(Keaton, Grady and I) have started a small sewing business called Kids 2 Kids Belize. We are sewing things, selling them, then using the money we get to buy the preschoolers in the village Christmas gifts. We are sewing bookmarks, hot plates, coasters, bean bags, zipper bags, aprons, pillow cases, and a few other things. So far we have four bookmarks done, about five sets of bean bags done, and a bunch of hot plates almost done. The material we bought at the FTC sale with the De La Rosa's is for aprons and pillow cases.
The road bed has been cleared and burned, now it is
waiting for the bulldozer.

The drilling rig, drilling our well at the property.
We started today, Monday, October 26, off with harvesting some of our fast growing sprouts. Then we started on school work. Today's school work went fast for me, so I had time to write to you. Tonight is our night to go to the Learning Center to help kids with home work and/or their projects. Other than that, today is pretty empty.

Oh yes. Oma and Opa have also booked their flights to come again. They are coming on December 4, and leaving December 22. But this time, Jim and Wanda, Opa's partner in the mechanic shop and his wife, are also coming down with them. We will show them Black Rock Lodge, a resort and restaurant that we supply sprouts for, and Hopkins, a second time for Oma and Opa, but a first for Jim and Wanda.  We are excited, yet again, and counting down the days.

Also, Happy Late Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and had lots of turkey and pumpkin pie. Our church held a Thanksgiving dinner at the church, so we went to that. We have been trying to find a sweet pumpkin to make pumpkin pie with but here, you can't tell a pumpkin from a squash!!! Yesterday, mommy made a squash 'pie' for lunch, so I made a honey and cinnamon drizzle to put on top, and that made it taste like pumpkin pie, so we are having that for lunch today. YUMMMMMM!!!

One more thing. We have our first people that seem to be interested in buying a few lots of the property. They are friends of Mommy and Daddy's teacher. They have booked flights already, for 4 couples to come down on November 29, and stay in Carmen and Faye's(the people we are renting from)house until December 8. Yay!!!

That is all for now,
I hope to write a little more often,
