My apologies, I do love writing, but my blog has just slipped my mind the last few months.
Ok, so the boys lived through the race...that's old news.....
Ok, new news....
Auntie Laura and Uncle Bruno + girls are coming in 18 days!!
Uncle Doug booked flights to come in November and leave in January.
Nana and Papa booked to come January 11(the day that uncle Doug leaves!) to February sometime. I will try my very, very best to keep you updated with those visits, but like other times, no promises.
(NOTE: when I say 'property', I mean the one we are developing and hoping to live on, not our rented one)
Our cement pad is going to be restarted(starting with conduit-I think) on September 5th. Whew, God must have a plan for our long wait! We have 500 Tilapia fish in each(we have 2) ponds on the property and Keaton, Dad and Nery went swimming in one of them! They are way braver than I would be. We are waiting for our big water pump to be brought into the country and once we have that, we can start working on our water system for the development. yay!
Oh Yah, how could I forget.....A few weeks ago we got hit by Hurricane Earl through the night. Power went off and we(the kids) slept with Mommy and Daddy after a tree hit the roof. It was a little bit scary and I didn't get much sleep, but in all, God kept us, George and his family and the car safe.
In the morning, we went for a walk in the light rain and we had to hop logs and trees to get through the driveway. So, after about 4 hours of Daddy, George and Pastor Dave chopping trees, we got the driveway cleared, then another 4 hours to get the hydro lines cleared. 6-7 days later, we got hydro and water back.
Faye (our land-lady)and her daughter, Vicky, came in from Canada two days later and got a crew of 5-6 guys from the village in to help clean up. That took about 1 and a half weeks to get every thing cleared out and burned or hauled away.
Shoots Alive is still going well. We have expanded into about 5 places in San Pedro, on of the islands of Belize. Sales are getting a little slowER, but with God, there is no slow season. We just finished last night revamping our greenhouse, which got torn by the hurricane, so that we can grow lettuce in it. Leroy is still working with us and staying faithful.
Oh, Keaton also got......GLASSES! He looks so handsome in them.
Anyway, I think that's all,
I'll try my very best to keep this up regularly.
By for now,