Monday, May 8, 2017

Hello again!
I think it might be a good thing to stop saying sorry, sorry, sorry for being notoriously late on my posting. As everyone else, we have been fairly busy with many things.
Anyway, in this post I want to get off of MOST of the business side of life and show more of our fun and our surroundings.

So, way back there in March, Grady had her 7th birthday and we had a rockin' dance party. She had fun, especially since it happened to be while Oma and Opa where her!

Grady and Mom, dancing it up!!

For those of you who don't know, we have adopted 3 kittens; Cuatro, Audi and Lily.
Grady has gone through a miraculous transformation and she now cuddles the kittens like BABYS! Praise the Lord! They are her best friends, now.




Ahhhhhh, relaxation.

Ok, so the only business part of my post. We have just finished making a solar dehydrator! We have just put our first batch of test items into it; lime leaf, oregano, sage, turmeric, dill and some mint. we hope to soon test out fruits such as mangoes, pineapple, etc. and eventually natural teas.
Lime leaves

Sage(top) and turmeric(bottom)

Well, it was good to write again. Stay posted, which I guess I'M the one that needs to keep posting!
Well, see you!