Monday, April 14, 2014

This Weeks Events

Hi! Guess what? On Saturday, April, 12 2014, me and my family moved into my Oma and Opa's house. The move went very fast. We were done moving almost everything by about 5:00.
Oh! I'm so sorry that in my first post I did not tell you were I am moving, so I will tell you now. I am moving to a place called Belize. I will tell you a little bit about it....There are lots of animals such as... parrots, toucans, monkeys, spiders(some poisonous), snakes(some poisonous), fish, sting ray, and lots of other jungle animals. Belize is bordered by Guatemala and Mexico.
There are lots of fruits such as....bananas, oranges, avocados, coconuts, grapefruits, lemons, limes, and lots of other tropical fruits.

hope to hear some comments,

      this is our washroom in our
                                                                                          Oma and Opa's house

                   this is my family at a
                      waterfall in Belize