Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Count Down Is On !!!!!!!!!!!

 The count down is on ! About 1 month until we leave.

The concert is done and was a great success!! We got lots of talking done with friends, family and teachers.  Now school is done and I had a very fun last year at St.Jacobs school.
But my Mom said that some time when it's not march break or summer/Christmas holidays we can come back and come to school for a couple of days !  YYYAAAYYY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also on June 14 we did a triathlon for kids. THAT was fun. Ok, now I'll go to some more recent events. Right now I'm up at my cottage. We've been having lots of fun with my Nana and Papa (my dad's parents) and my uncle Doug. Just a few days ago my Mom and Dad set up an obstacle coarse like we do every year it was so much fun.My Mom brought up a cool work-out band  that is called a TRX band, except I don't use them to work-out !!! I use them for gymnastics!
this is me running the last part of the triathlon

this is me, my brother, my sister, and my
2 cousins getting ready for the obstacle
this is me on the TRX band !!


  1. Proud of you Paige. Love Mom!

  2. sounds like lots of fun!!! maybe you will have to try do a Belize ostacle course sometime too!! love Emily

    1. thanks for your comment! I will certainly try to do an obstacle coarse in belize .
      from Paige
