Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Belize FUN!

Hi!  We've been having LOTS of fun since we got here. But don't worry. We tried not to have AS much fun as before we came here! Here are some of the fun things we've been doing.
1)Yesterday, Keaton and I tried to climb a tree. But its not as easy as it is in Canada.
2) Today, Keaton and I tried to make a garden sprinkler. It worked!!
3) Keaton and I started to LOVE climbing up the walls of the house.
4) eating pancakes by the river for lunch. YUMM!!!

We've had lots of  other fun times to
                                         hope to keep in touch,
                                                               > PAIGE <
                                                  P.S here are some pictures.

this is Keaton and I's sprinkler
this is Keaton trying to climb a tree. 

finally he got up with a little bit of my help

me climing up the walls




  1. hope your having a good time keaton
    from brandon

    1. Oh Brandon. Keaton is having LOTS of fun but he still misses you lots.
      from : Paige
