Monday, September 1, 2014

Fun Facts!!!

Hello friends!
Big news!  You have probably heard about the "Ice bucket " challenge. right?
Well just today, my 9 year old friend, Samantha Fishman did it, then nominated ME to do it next! She even posted it on face book! Well, I guess it will feel good in this heat!
Any one have any ideas of people for me to nominate that I know?  If you do leave a comment of who and sign your name!

I'm also learning how to ride a rip -stick.
If you don't know what it is, it's like a skateboard, but it only has 2 wheels and you have to move your feet to keep balance and to keep moving!
banana French toast with homemade coconut-
butter and fresh fruit. YUM!

Here are some things we have been eating.                             

dragon fruit.
banana bread French toast with homemade coconut butter.
mashed cauliflower and breadfruit.
shrimp on sugarcane skewers.
dragonfruit smoothies.
tortillas with lime and sugar on them.
fresh cow liver.  
we also got to go to a butterfly farm at Chaa Creek.
while we were there we picked some beautiful Frangipani

and a few days ago we saw a HUGE spider on the floor.
We have started home schooling and it's fun!
mashed cauliflower and breadfruit.
I hope you enjoyed my post and keep
love you,


blue Morpho butterfly

me with beautiful frangipani flowers in my hair.
the biggest spider I've ever seen inside the house!
my VERY brave mom killed it!

me on the first day of school!
(Monday 1st)


  1. We love to read what you are up to Paige! Thanks for posting!
    Emily & Dan

    1. thanks Aunt Emily. I hoope you guys are doing good.
      Paige D
