Monday, April 13, 2015

MORE VISITORS.........MORE FUN!!!!!!!!!

Greetings from the Sunny South,

sorry it's been so long since my last post. We've been busy for the last week with Uncle Kyle, Aunt Mandy, Maren and Mayelle.

They came in on Friday,  April 3, 2015. We picked them up at the airport at 11:30 our time.(1:30 your time) We had tostones, which is boiled, fried and flattened green plantains. We also had veggies and muffins. Dad had rented a big, 12 person van so that we could all fit in one car. We drove home and, as usual, showed them around the whole property then inside the whole house. We played for the rest of the day. We have a futon couch so we moved that into my room so that Maren and I could sleep on it.

On Saturday, we went to the market. Then we went to the Mayan ruins. There was the biggest bike race in Belize happening that day. The bikers started at Belize City then biked to San Ignacio and then all the way back to Belize City. We went to Hode's Place, (it's a restaurant) for lunch.

Sunday we went to church. Then we had Nery, Marien and the girls, Brendon and Asia and the girls, and Sonia and Jeremiah and the kids over for lunch. We had a good day with friends, food and music.

Monday we went to pine ridge for a good day of swimming and hiking. This time we swam a lot more than last time. (if you look in my other blog posting called Hike To Pine Ridge, there will be some pics) After that, Marien decided that we would come over to their house for supper.

Tuesday we went to Calico Jacks which is a zip lining tour company. We did the Entermedeo run. There was 7 zip line runs, 1 jungle lift, and 2 little hikes. It was really fun. It took us close to an hour to finish all the runs.

Wednesday we went to the inland blue hole. We first did a one and a half mile hike. Then we hiked 15 min to get to a cave called St. Herman's Cave. Inside was so dark that when we turned of all of the flashlights it was pitch dark.  Then we did another 20 min hike from the cave to the visitor center. From there we did another one and a half mile walk. After that we had a picnic lunch of muffins, veggies, corn tortillas, fried chicken, sausages, hard boiled eggs, plantain scones, turkey pieces and bananas. Finally we went to the swimming hole. It was as cold as lake water! We finally all got in and swam for a good half an hour to 45 minutes.  We went to the best ice-cream shop in Belize after that!! It was GOOD!

The inland blue hole.

Thursday we woke up early and drove to the Belize City port. We took a 45 min water taxi out to an island called Caye Caulker. It was about 2 miles long by 1/2 a mile wide. Small and quaint. We swam for a long time. Then we rented two stand up paddle boards. The adults had a good time on those. Then we had ice-cream! In total we were there for about eight hours! It was really nice there.

Awesome swing seats at one of the
restaurants on Ceye Caulker.
Aunt Mandy on the stand-up paddle
Cool plumbing-tube slides into the crystal clear ocean.

Friday Uncle Kyle, dad, Keaton, Nery, Nikki and I went to hike the property we're thinking to buy.(read one of my postings called "Laying Hens, Possibly a New Property/House, And More Than That....Wow I Haven't Done a Post For a Long Time!") This time we hiked more into the bush to see the hills and spots we might sever off lots on. It was fun. While we were gone the others drove into town(Spanish Lookout) for some groceries. That night the adults played Settlers and the kids watched a movie called Parent Trap. It was hilarious!

Saturday we woke up early and drove to the airport in Belize City. there was lots of kisses and hugs going around for everyone. Then we came home and just chilled.

That is all that is new and now we are back to normal routine with school work and sprouts.

I hope all is well and the cold doesn't get to frustrating,
warm hugs from Belize,

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