Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Oh Me Oh My

I am Sorry!!!!
I get caught up in things and forget about my blog.
Nana and Papa had a good time and so did we. Already we have had another visitor after them so now I can't remember what we did with Nana and Papa!!!!

   Well....Our visitor was Tyler Boelens and we had a great time with him. From the 4th to the 7th he, daddy and a young friend from church did a 4 day canoe race, La Ruta Maya Belize River Challenge.(You can look that up)They did pretty well and came in 37th place out of 52 or somewhere around there. After that we went swimming, swimming, swimming....and.....swimming!
We went down with daddy on his Thursday runs and he dropped us off at the beach in Hopkins where we spent the rest of the day. It was hot and very sunny so it was a good day to go swimming.(We all have nasty sunburns to show for it!) We were all tired after a day in the salty air.

   The next day we just chilled at home because we didn't want to make our sunburns any worse. Then the next day we went to the blue hole(Inland one) and went swimming in its coooollllldddd water for a while.
Then on Saturday we went to Mountain Pine Ridge which is a big forest reserve with swimming hole and rivers that you can access for the small fee of : DRIVING ON THE BUMPY ROADS!!!We went to Rio on Pools(I think I told you about that in a different posting).Then we went to Big Rock which is where the river is a huge water fall and than a swimmable river again. Tyler did some jumping off of the 'Big Rocks'. Then we went home for supper and a beautiful sleep at 6.00 PM.

We have just dropped him of for his flight home on Monday the 14th.

Also, for school I a getting to learn how to write poems, so I decided to start a poem book that one day I may publish. Here is one of the poems........

Pictures in the Clouds

cloud pic.PNGWritten By: Paige J. Dietrich

I sit in the sand, water lapping my toes,

Ready to ask a question that no one knows.

What makes the clouds,

Turn into shapes?

What makes the wind,

Curl around me like snakes?


I see a mighty lion,

Ready to spring.

A bear standing tall,

As if on wings.

What makes the clouds,

Turn into shapes?

                                                          The wind is blowing strong,

Playing with my hair.

It blows along the still waves,

Shaking them awake.

What makes the wind,

Curl around me like snakes?

What makes the clouds,

Turn into shapes?
Well that is all.
Oh, no its not. We have hired our first employee for shoots Alive, Leroy!!!!! Woohoo!
Praise the Lord for that!
Now that's all.

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