Saturday, December 6, 2014

Fun, Fun, Fun!!!


Today I will be sharing with you what my family and I will be doing this week.

So, Oma and Opa are coming this Saturday!!!Yaaa!!! (the 13th) A week from today!
But.....shhhhhhh. Don't tell them that we don't even have a bed for them yet!!!  Well.... we are expecting a king bed to get delivered today sometime. Yesterday we cleaned out their room because we were using it as a computer room. We are also working on making a closet for in their room. All out of Belizean wood!!! We will take them down to a place called Hopkins, to a resort for 4 days.
   FUN, FUN, FUN!!!

On Monday,(the 8th of December) our good friends Nery and Marien and their girls, invited us to come to Chutemal, which is just inside of Mexico. That is were they do most of their shopping.
We will leave at 4:00 in the morning, drive for about three hours until we reach Mexico, go shopping,
check in at a hotel, play, meal, then sleep. It will be SO much fun!!!!

 I'm also writing book called "Friendship Is Magic." I'm typing it up on a word document, and hoping to publish it!!! I will give you a sneak-peak below of the 6th chapter.

Chapter 6                                 MEETING THE QUEEN

Finally they came to a decision. They would believe that they would not harm them! "We will now show you around!" Said Emerald gleefully. Emerald went strait to the little, mushroom cottage. "This." She said "Is my house!" She took them inside and showed them around. First was the kitchen. There was a little, round dining table with about six chairs set around it. There was also a little oven and fridge. Next they went to the bedroom. There was a little, neatly made bed with a night table beside it. There was also a little closet with a few sets of clothes. Next I'll show you Flower park." said Sapphire. They walked down a gravel path for a few minutes. soon the came to a spot with sandy ground and tall, colorful flowers about eight times the height of Rosie! "Watch this!" said Sapphire. And she climbed up the big leaves of the flower, up to the big middle of the flower. She started jumping from the middle of one flower to the middle of the other flowers. "May I try?" asked Megan. "Sure" said Sapphire. So Megan did the same. She jumped from flower to flower. "Do you want to try?" Megan asked Rosie. "Sure. why not?" replied Rosie. So, she did the same, jumping from flower to flower. Even she had to admit that it was fun. "Now" said Ruby, "I will show you the queen." "WOW!" said Rosie. "The queen!" Ruby led the two girls down a long road to a beautiful courtyard in front of a light blue palace with two guards standing in front of it. "Hello Maiden Ruby." said one of the guards politely. "Hello Topaz. Is the queen home?" Said Ruby back. Yes ma'am, she is in the throne room." Replied Topaz, opening up the big, heavy palace door. Ruby led the girls through the big door opening. They were now in the great hall. All Megan and Rosie could do was look up at the ceiling, and stair. It was a dome shape with all different shades of blue. Baby blue, pale blue, dark blue and indigo. They went up a big, golden, winding staircase. At the top of the stairs, there was a door that said THRONE ROOM, in gold letters. Ruby knocked on the door. Who is it?" said a deep, but sweet voice. "It's Maiden Ruby, your highness." said Ruby. "Come in." said the voice.
Ruby walked into the room and bowed before the throne on witch the queen sat. "And who have you brought with you?" Asked the queen with a bit of seriousness in her voice. "Oh... well I'm not quite sure about that but all I do know is that they are very nice people." said Ruby. "What are your names?" asked the queen now looking at them. My name is Megan," said Megan "And this is my friend, Rosie. She just moved to Elms Ville about one and a half weeks ago."  "Megan and Rosie." repeated the queen. Then the queen whistled a short, sweet tune. A bluebird suddenly came flying and landed on the opened window. It whistled back a tune similar to the one the queen whistled, but a bit more slow and high pitched. "My bluebird has told me that he has been just flying around Elms Ville and he said that you will never hurt or harm anything and that you are not coming for any of our folk's things. So, as I know I can trust you, I will allow Megan to tell you my name." Said the queen. Rosie looked at Megan, then the queen and then Ruby, with a puzzled look. What was going on? Suddenly, Megan, Ruby and the queen began to laugh and Megan ran up to the queen and gave her a bow. "It is so good to see you again!" she said. "Rosie, this is Queen Matilda. Her daughter, princess Alia, has already gone to bed. Matilda, Ruby and all the other folk have been my closest friends for a long time. One day, I lost the key that kept Fairyland alive! I waited and waited for a time that I could see my dear friends again. but fairyland was lost before I could. Six months past and finally you came. When we made the fairy project, it was just the thing that was the key! I was just tricking you the whole time that I didn't know who the fairy folk were!"

So, other than that, our week is usual.

I hope you all are doing well,
Remember...I do love comments,


  1. You must be so excited to see your Opa and Oma and to show them around your new home! I read the chapter of your book and am intrigued. I hope that you finish it so I can read it from start to finish. I have been thinking about your family. Did you know that we will have our holiday concert on Thursday? The halls are decorated and all of the children have been practicing their songs and skits. How will you celebrate Christmas in Belize?

    1. Hey!
      I'm REALLY exited about oma and opa coming! To celebrate Christmas, We will have a Christmas banquet, then a Christmas Eve night at our friends house, then Christmas dinner at our house on Christmas with our friends.
      Thanks for your prayers
      Paige :)

  2. I am all caught up on your blog Paige!!! Sounds like lots of fun is going on and that you have all been helping Mom and Dad too!! Your chapter sounded exciting!!!! And most importantly....HAVE FUN WITH OMA & OPA TODAY!!!! :) Love Emily

    1. Thanks
      we tried to Skype in to the Puklitz Christmas, but it didn't work

      Love Paige

  3. I continue to enjoy reading your posts Paige. Thank you for sharing the chapter of your book. It was very interesting. You are a talented writer! I hope you have an amazing time with your Oma and Opa. We miss you all! Julie Venhuizen

    1. Thanks Julie
      How is church going. Miss you guys(especialy Jade)
