Monday, December 15, 2014
Oma and Opa have finally arrived!!
They got to Belize at 12:30. We were all So glad that they had made it here safely. on the way back from the airport, Oma and Opa had gotten their first look at what Belize really look and sounds like.
Although, I don't think that they heard what Belize sounds like, but they sure did hear what the kids sound like!! As Oma still says, "We talked their ears off the whole ride!"(it was a 1and a half hr. drive!) When we got home, we showed them all around the property, then showed them the whole house. After that, we had a traditional meal of rice and beans and chicken. Then Oma and Opa had a surprise for us!! They had brought us each an advent calendar!!
The next day,(Sunday)we wen t to church, then with Luke and Roxanne and their family, Nery and Marien and their family and us and Oma and Opa went to a place called Xantaninch, which is were the Mayan Ruins are. We got to climd the tallest ruin, ton the very top! It was about 275ft. tall!!!!
It was SUPER fun!!!
Today(Monday) Oma, Opa, Daddy and Grady went shopping. Mom, Keaton and I stayed home to do some sewing ad food prep for tomorrow, as we are going to the resort for 4 days, starting tomorrow. When everyone came back from shopping, Oma, Mommy and I pretty much cooked ALL day! The boys worked downstairs while Grady coloured. Now(9:15 our time)We are just playing games and relaxing. Just having some fun together. Tonight is Grady's night to sleep in Oma and Opa's bed with them.
Tomorrow, we will be driving to the resort called Jaguar Reef. We are planning on doing lots of fun thing s there such as, what they call, the Bioluminescence Trip. Some people take you out at night to the ocean in a boat. Then you look at the water and you can see all of the light-up corals and jellyfish.
Ihope to write again soon,
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