Monday, December 15, 2014
Oma and Opa have finally arrived!!
They got to Belize at 12:30. We were all So glad that they had made it here safely. on the way back from the airport, Oma and Opa had gotten their first look at what Belize really look and sounds like.
Although, I don't think that they heard what Belize sounds like, but they sure did hear what the kids sound like!! As Oma still says, "We talked their ears off the whole ride!"(it was a 1and a half hr. drive!) When we got home, we showed them all around the property, then showed them the whole house. After that, we had a traditional meal of rice and beans and chicken. Then Oma and Opa had a surprise for us!! They had brought us each an advent calendar!!
The next day,(Sunday)we wen t to church, then with Luke and Roxanne and their family, Nery and Marien and their family and us and Oma and Opa went to a place called Xantaninch, which is were the Mayan Ruins are. We got to climd the tallest ruin, ton the very top! It was about 275ft. tall!!!!
It was SUPER fun!!!
Today(Monday) Oma, Opa, Daddy and Grady went shopping. Mom, Keaton and I stayed home to do some sewing ad food prep for tomorrow, as we are going to the resort for 4 days, starting tomorrow. When everyone came back from shopping, Oma, Mommy and I pretty much cooked ALL day! The boys worked downstairs while Grady coloured. Now(9:15 our time)We are just playing games and relaxing. Just having some fun together. Tonight is Grady's night to sleep in Oma and Opa's bed with them.
Tomorrow, we will be driving to the resort called Jaguar Reef. We are planning on doing lots of fun thing s there such as, what they call, the Bioluminescence Trip. Some people take you out at night to the ocean in a boat. Then you look at the water and you can see all of the light-up corals and jellyfish.
Ihope to write again soon,
I LOVE comments,
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Fun, Fun, Fun!!!
Today I will be sharing with you what my family and I will be doing this week.
So, Oma and Opa are coming this Saturday!!!Yaaa!!! (the 13th) A week from today!
But.....shhhhhhh. Don't tell them that we don't even have a bed for them yet!!! Well.... we are expecting a king bed to get delivered today sometime. Yesterday we cleaned out their room because we were using it as a computer room. We are also working on making a closet for in their room. All out of Belizean wood!!! We will take them down to a place called Hopkins, to a resort for 4 days.
On Monday,(the 8th of December) our good friends Nery and Marien and their girls, invited us to come to Chutemal, which is just inside of Mexico. That is were they do most of their shopping.
We will leave at 4:00 in the morning, drive for about three hours until we reach Mexico, go shopping,
check in at a hotel, play, meal, then sleep. It will be SO much fun!!!!
I'm also writing book called "Friendship Is Magic." I'm typing it up on a word document, and hoping to publish it!!! I will give you a sneak-peak below of the 6th chapter.
they came to a decision. They would believe that they would not harm them!
"We will now show you around!" Said Emerald gleefully. Emerald went
strait to the little, mushroom cottage. "This." She said "Is my
house!" She took them inside and showed them around. First was the
kitchen. There was a little, round dining table with about six chairs set
around it. There was also a little oven and fridge. Next they went to the
bedroom. There was a little, neatly made bed with a night table beside it.
There was also a little closet with a few sets of clothes. Next I'll
show you Flower park." said Sapphire. They walked down a gravel path for a
few minutes. soon the came to a spot with sandy ground and tall, colorful
flowers about eight times the height of Rosie! "Watch this!" said
Sapphire. And she climbed up the big leaves of the flower, up to the big middle
of the flower. She started jumping from the middle of one flower to the middle
of the other flowers. "May I try?" asked Megan. "Sure" said
Sapphire. So Megan did the same. She jumped from flower to flower. "Do you
want to try?" Megan asked Rosie. "Sure. why not?" replied Rosie.
So, she did the same, jumping from flower to flower. Even she had to admit that
it was fun. "Now" said Ruby, "I will show you the
queen." "WOW!" said Rosie. "The queen!" Ruby led the
two girls down a long road to a beautiful courtyard in front of a light blue
palace with two guards standing in front of it. "Hello Maiden Ruby."
said one of the guards politely. "Hello Topaz. Is the queen home?"
Said Ruby back. Yes ma'am, she is in the throne room." Replied Topaz,
opening up the big, heavy palace door. Ruby led the girls through the big door
opening. They were now in the great hall. All Megan and Rosie could do was look
up at the ceiling, and stair. It was a dome shape with all different shades of
blue. Baby blue, pale blue, dark blue and indigo. They went up a big, golden,
winding staircase. At the top of the stairs, there was a door that said THRONE ROOM, in gold
letters. Ruby knocked on the door. Who is it?" said a deep, but sweet
voice. "It's Maiden Ruby, your highness." said Ruby. "Come
in." said the voice.
Ruby walked into the
room and bowed before the throne on witch the queen sat. "And who have you
brought with you?" Asked the queen with a bit of seriousness in her voice.
"Oh... well I'm not quite sure about that but all I do know is that
they are very nice people." said Ruby. "What are your names?"
asked the queen now looking at them. My name is Megan," said Megan
"And this is my friend, Rosie. She just moved to Elms Ville about one and
a half weeks ago." "Megan and
Rosie." repeated the queen. Then the queen whistled a short, sweet tune. A
bluebird suddenly came flying and landed on the opened window. It whistled back
a tune similar to the one the queen whistled, but a bit more slow and high
pitched. "My bluebird has told me that he has been just flying around Elms
Ville and he said that you will never hurt or harm anything and that you are
not coming for any of our folk's things. So, as I know I can trust you, I will
allow Megan to tell you my name." Said the queen. Rosie looked at Megan,
then the queen and then Ruby, with a puzzled look. What was going on? Suddenly,
Megan, Ruby and the queen began to laugh and Megan ran up to the queen and gave
her a bow. "It is so good to see you again!" she said. "Rosie,
this is Queen Matilda. Her daughter, princess Alia, has already gone to bed.
Matilda, Ruby and all the other folk have been my closest friends for a long
time. One day, I lost the key that kept Fairyland alive! I waited and waited
for a time that I could see my dear friends again. but fairyland was lost
before I could. Six months past and finally you came. When we made the fairy
project, it was just the thing that was the key! I was just tricking you the
whole time that I didn't know who the fairy folk were!"So, other than that, our week is usual.
I hope you all are doing well,
Remember...I do love comments,
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Soccer Saturdays
In this posting I will tell you what we do on our free Saturdays.
Two weeks ago, my family and I decided that we should invite some of our friends over and play. We thought about what we could do with them. There is a huge soccer field (football as they call it in Belize. It makes more sense!) with a cement pad for basket ball beside it, a few minutes away from where we live. So we sent out a text to all three families to come to the field on Saturday. Saturday came, so we put some water, a basket ball, a frisbee, and a soccer ball in the trunk of the car. We went to the field and took the things out of the car. we started to pass the frisbee around. (The Belizean family that lives on our property have 3 kids so we took them along too!) Then our friends that own the restaurant beside the field.(Beatrice and Whitney and the kids Beyla and Lisa) dropped off only Beyla who is 1 year older than I am (she is 9). Then our other 2 friends came.(Nery and Marien and their kids Summer and Nicole(We call her Nicky)she is the same age as me!) and(Luke and Roxanne and their kids Naomi, Malachi, Courage, Prudence, Josiah and Titus.) Everyone wanted to play soccer so we did. Boys against girls. But we also soon found out that half the field was slippery mud! But did that stop us from playing soccer? NOT A CHANCE!! We played even with the mud! But there was LOTS of falling and laughing and we were all VERY muddy people at the end! Daddy and I even went sliding in it at the end! Since we were so muddy, Belay and Lisa have a beautiful creek behind their house, so we went over in the back of Nery's pick-up to the creek and go wash off. The current was very strong so we all had to go in one at a time. It had been so fun that we decided to do it the next Saturday as well!
This past Saturday, We did it again and this time 10 - 12 kids from the village joined in! But this time the mud had dried up and it was not slippery. After soccer we went over to our house and had hamburgers with them. They were delicious! After that, Daddy took Luke and Roxanne back home but Nery and Marien stayed. Summer, Nicky, Keaton, Gavin, Annika and I played a fun game of tag.
Then we went upstairs and played Pictionary boys against girls until 7:00!
I had SOO much fun!!!! I now am hoping that we can don it almost every week!!!!
So that's all for now,
Remember to leave comments!
Paige :)
Two weeks ago, my family and I decided that we should invite some of our friends over and play. We thought about what we could do with them. There is a huge soccer field (football as they call it in Belize. It makes more sense!) with a cement pad for basket ball beside it, a few minutes away from where we live. So we sent out a text to all three families to come to the field on Saturday. Saturday came, so we put some water, a basket ball, a frisbee, and a soccer ball in the trunk of the car. We went to the field and took the things out of the car. we started to pass the frisbee around. (The Belizean family that lives on our property have 3 kids so we took them along too!) Then our friends that own the restaurant beside the field.(Beatrice and Whitney and the kids Beyla and Lisa) dropped off only Beyla who is 1 year older than I am (she is 9). Then our other 2 friends came.(Nery and Marien and their kids Summer and Nicole(We call her Nicky)she is the same age as me!) and(Luke and Roxanne and their kids Naomi, Malachi, Courage, Prudence, Josiah and Titus.) Everyone wanted to play soccer so we did. Boys against girls. But we also soon found out that half the field was slippery mud! But did that stop us from playing soccer? NOT A CHANCE!! We played even with the mud! But there was LOTS of falling and laughing and we were all VERY muddy people at the end! Daddy and I even went sliding in it at the end! Since we were so muddy, Belay and Lisa have a beautiful creek behind their house, so we went over in the back of Nery's pick-up to the creek and go wash off. The current was very strong so we all had to go in one at a time. It had been so fun that we decided to do it the next Saturday as well!
This is Summer in the purple shirt, Nicky in the black, not muddy shirt, Marien in the green flower shirt, and Mom in the teal shirt and me in the muddy, black shirt. |
This past Saturday, We did it again and this time 10 - 12 kids from the village joined in! But this time the mud had dried up and it was not slippery. After soccer we went over to our house and had hamburgers with them. They were delicious! After that, Daddy took Luke and Roxanne back home but Nery and Marien stayed. Summer, Nicky, Keaton, Gavin, Annika and I played a fun game of tag.
Then we went upstairs and played Pictionary boys against girls until 7:00!
I had SOO much fun!!!! I now am hoping that we can don it almost every week!!!!
So that's all for now,
Remember to leave comments!
Paige :)
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Work Work Work, Fun Fun Fun!!
Hello all!
Sorry it has been SO long since my last post.
We have finally got our garden planted. We planted yellow peppers, hot peppers, carrots, wax beans, squash, watermelon, lettuce and pineapples. The watermelon is about an inch tall already! The lettuce is pretty tall to. In the rainy season, you don't even have to water your garden! To keep the garden nice and tidy, we went and found a few big branches to put a border on all the rows. We couldn't find enough to finish it, so daddy gets his machete, (they are in place of chainsaws here!)and wacked the trunk of a dead tree! I thought that must be illegal, but apparently not.
On Monday, we are hopefully getting our seed import permit. They said it would be ready last Friday afternoon but when dad went in they said they didn't have it yet, but on Monday they would. That's how Belize works. Oh, and a quick prayer request: To get a work/farm permit, we need a lot of things from the Canadian police. So if you could do that, that would be great!!
This post has been shorter than usual,
hope to do another post soon,
Paige Dietrich
Monday, September 1, 2014
Fun Facts!!!
Hello friends!
Big news! You have probably heard about the "Ice bucket " challenge. right?
Well just today, my 9 year old friend, Samantha Fishman did it, then nominated ME to do it next! She even posted it on face book! Well, I guess it will feel good in this heat!
Any one have any ideas of people for me to nominate that I know? If you do leave a comment of who and sign your name!
I'm also learning how to ride a rip -stick.
If you don't know what it is, it's like a skateboard, but it only has 2 wheels and you have to move your feet to keep balance and to keep moving!
banana French toast with homemade coconut- butter and fresh fruit. YUM! |
Here are some things we have been eating.
dragon fruit. |
mashed cauliflower and breadfruit.
shrimp on sugarcane skewers.
dragonfruit smoothies.
tortillas with lime and sugar on them.
fresh cow liver.
we also got to go to a butterfly farm at Chaa Creek.
while we were there we picked some beautiful Frangipani
and a few days ago we saw a HUGE spider on the floor.
We have started home schooling and it's fun!
mashed cauliflower and breadfruit. |
love you,
blue Morpho butterfly |
me with beautiful frangipani flowers in my hair. |
the biggest spider I've ever seen inside the house! my VERY brave mom killed it! |
me on the first day of school! (Monday 1st) |
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
The moving day!!!!
HI! Ok, so you've missed a few very exciting things since my last post.
So one happy thing is that we have found a long term rental witch is better than we ever thought we'd get. It has 3 bedrooms and a guest room witch is the only air conditioned room in this huge house so that makes it 4. I have my own room, Keaton and Grady share a room and Dad and Mom share a room. the guest is downstairs.
Downstairs is also the school room, living room, mud room and bathroom. The school room has 2 desks, lots of shelves and chairs. In the living room is, well, right now has nothing in it but today we are expecting a couch to get delivered to us. In the mud room is the usual, a sink, a washer(no drier.) a shoe rack etc. Same as the bathroom.
Our kitchen has a huge pantry, a fridge and freezer, an oven and stove, a dish washer and big kitchen table with 6 chairs. From beside the table is an open staircase witch goes upstairs to the bedrooms. Turn right then right again and you're in mom and dads room. Go back to where you started at the steps turn left then left again and you're in my room. Now go strait and you're in Keaton's and Grady's room. PICTURES
here are some pictures.
I call my bedroom ""The meadow" |
Keaton trying to be a muscle man on his bed |
the school room has nothing on the shelves in this picture but right now it dose. |
this is our awesome pizza we had for one of our suppers. |
this is the playhouse in the front yard. it says "Abbies bed and breakfast". |
this is the play set in the backyard. |
Ok so we got a connection from a couple from our church in Canada and said that they new a couple that had a mom living in Belize . About a week ago, we went to talk with her. She said that she say that a daughter and parents were looking for someone to house sit while they were gone in Canada. The daughter had another house on the property that she lived there and was also looking for someone to rent it. So we called her and they said they had just got someone to house sit but the rental was still open. That was ok with us. Then we found that the person house sitting for them was pastor David from the church we're going to. We were going to go look at the rental house to see if we really wanted to rent it out. Pastor Dave then asked us if we would like to stay for supper so we did. That night we talked together weather we should rent it or not. We decided YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The next five - six days we spent re-painting, cleaning, bringing, and sponging. It Was Dirty!
The upstairs was not even finished yet so we had to. Finally we finished on Monday and we were able to get our mattresses and bed sheets on so we could sleep here that night .(we only went to sleep thou after a movie and popcorn celebration!!! )
Here are some questions I'm going to ask.
If you would like to answer a couple or all of them just leave a comment at the bottom and sign
your name. 1. Is any one in your family or you birthday soon?
2. If you are going to school are you excited? why or why not?
3. What was your favorite part of summer?
4. are you doing anything exciting that is coming up soon?
That is the only questions I can come up with right now.
If you would like to tell or ask me anything else just leave a comment down bellow
Now I want you to know I miss and love you all SOO much.
your always on my mind and heart.
I love you,
leave comments,
> Paige <
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Belize FUN!
Hi! We've been having LOTS of fun since we got here. But don't worry. We tried not to have AS much fun as before we came here! Here are some of the fun things we've been doing.
1)Yesterday, Keaton and I tried to climb a tree. But its not as easy as it is in Canada.
2) Today, Keaton and I tried to make a garden sprinkler. It worked!!
3) Keaton and I started to LOVE climbing up the walls of the house.
4) eating pancakes by the river for lunch. YUMM!!!
We've had lots of other fun times to
hope to keep in touch,
P.S here are some pictures.
this is Keaton and I's sprinkler |
this is Keaton trying to climb a tree. |
finally he got up with a little bit of my help |
me climing up the walls |
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Hello again!
we have arrived in one piece and all is good. well we had a couple of boo boos. my suit case was left in Toronto, and we almost missed our flight to Huston, but God was with us the whole time and helped us. one of the officials said there was no way we would make our flight. when we finally made it to the gates the men there said " Oh. the family of 5. we just called to tell them to take off your bags. we'll call them back to tell them to put them back on." We think that's how my bag got left in Toronto. But thankfully we made the flight.
now I'll tell you about yester day. yesterday we got our car. (we had a rental before)
and we also got to go down to the San Ignacio "rio"(that's Spanish for "river") the current there is like one you or I have never seen before. if you went far enough into the current, layed on you tummy and relaxed you would just be swept down the river. I did that when we were there and it's SO fun!!!!!
today we're going to go check out a water park that's in Bullet tree. (Bullet tree is the town that we live in right now.)
I love you all, Keep fallowing, . PAIGE.
here is a picture of the mangos that are the size of footballs or even bigger!!
this is our car or should I say Carro de fuego (that means" fire wagon" in Spanish) |
this is me at the river just before I went to swim. |
Saturday, August 2, 2014
the cottage, oh the cottage
4 more days.
I'm at my cottage today for the last day of my life. You might be thinking " but you could come back from Belize and go to your cottage". Well yes I could come back, but the cottage will soon be sold so I couldn't. I've had lot's of great memories there so I will share some with you.
1) when I was 6 I learned how to water ski
2) we had one of our cousins Hayley up and I taught her how to water ski (my moms side)
3) we had our cousins from my dads side up and did an obstacle coarse ( I have pictures of the beginning on one of my other posts)
4) we had our other cousins from my moms side up and they gave me and Keaton the courage to eat fish eyes
5) watching my brother waterski was awesome
6) the campfires almost every night
7) sleeping in the tent
8) tube rides
9) going to the park in Lindsay, Fenelon Falls, and Bobcaygon
10) sitting and resting
11) getting wet in the sprinkler and lake
And I've had many others but it would take days to tell you all of them.
follow me as much as possible'
P.S here are some pictures of some memories I've had
the camp fire, oh the campfire
sleeping in the tent with our cousins from my dads side |
me learning how to water ski |
my brother Keaton learning to water ski |
me and Keaton eating fish eyes |
me holding a sleeping 1 year old |
me and Keaton running through the sprinkler |
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
The Spanish Launguage
Hi! it's me again. today I'm at my cottage . I have been learning some Spanish for when we leave. I
have learned how to say lots of it.
Here is a list of Spanish words I've learned
English Spanish
no thank you = no gracias
yes please = si porfavor
good morning = Buenos dias
good night = Buenos noches
chicken = pollo
ice cream = helado
library = biblioteca
book = libro
store = tienda
down = abajo
up = hasta
yes = si
hello = hola
I hope you enjoyed my post and that you keep on
Paige Dietrich
have learned how to say lots of it.
Here is a list of Spanish words I've learned
English Spanish
no thank you = no gracias
yes please = si porfavor
good morning = Buenos dias
good night = Buenos noches
chicken = pollo
ice cream = helado
library = biblioteca
book = libro
store = tienda
down = abajo
up = hasta
yes = si
hello = hola
I hope you enjoyed my post and that you keep on
Paige Dietrich
Thursday, July 3, 2014
The Count Down Is On !!!!!!!!!!!
The concert is done and was a great success!! We got lots of talking done with friends, family and teachers. Now school is done and I had a very fun last year at St.Jacobs school.
But my Mom said that some time when it's not march break or summer/Christmas holidays we can come back and come to school for a couple of days ! YYYAAAYYY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also on June 14 we did a triathlon for kids. THAT was fun. Ok, now I'll go to some more recent events. Right now I'm up at my cottage. We've been having lots of fun with my Nana and Papa (my dad's parents) and my uncle Doug. Just a few days ago my Mom and Dad set up an obstacle coarse like we do every year it was so much fun.My Mom brought up a cool work-out band that is called a TRX band, except I don't use them to work-out !!! I use them for gymnastics!
this is me running the last part of the triathlon |
this is me, my brother, my sister, and my 2 cousins getting ready for the obstacle coarse |
this is me on the TRX band !! |
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
A few new things have happened since my last posting. Fist of all, we have our plane tickets booked and we are leaving on August 6th, and our plane leaves at 8:30 A.M !!!!(that means we have to wake up at about 4:30 A.M) Second of all, we are having an outdoor concert on June 14 witch is on a Saturday. It will be at 6:30 P.M and ALL are welcome. There will be lots of great music and a live band. You can also hear about our journey to Belize that is coming up soon. I'm a little nervous and a little excited. For those of you who don't know were my house is, I live at 1830 Kressler road Waterloo ON.
I hope to see you at the concert,
PAIGE !!!!
I hope to see you at the concert,
PAIGE !!!!
This is me a little nervous! |
This is me a little excited! |
Monday, April 14, 2014
This Weeks Events
Hi! Guess what? On Saturday, April, 12 2014, me and my family moved into my Oma and Opa's house. The move went very fast. We were done moving almost everything by about 5:00.
Oh! I'm so sorry that in my first post I did not tell you were I am moving, so I will tell you now. I am moving to a place called Belize. I will tell you a little bit about it....There are lots of animals such as... parrots, toucans, monkeys, spiders(some poisonous), snakes(some poisonous), fish, sting ray, and lots of other jungle animals. Belize is bordered by Guatemala and Mexico.
There are lots of fruits such as....bananas, oranges, avocados, coconuts, grapefruits, lemons, limes, and lots of other tropical fruits.
hope to hear some comments,
this is our washroom in our
Oma and Opa's house
this is my family at a
waterfall in Belize
Oh! I'm so sorry that in my first post I did not tell you were I am moving, so I will tell you now. I am moving to a place called Belize. I will tell you a little bit about it....There are lots of animals such as... parrots, toucans, monkeys, spiders(some poisonous), snakes(some poisonous), fish, sting ray, and lots of other jungle animals. Belize is bordered by Guatemala and Mexico.
There are lots of fruits such as....bananas, oranges, avocados, coconuts, grapefruits, lemons, limes, and lots of other tropical fruits.
hope to hear some comments,
Oma and Opa's house
this is my family at a
waterfall in Belize
Saturday, March 8, 2014
All About My Blog.....
I am Paige, I am 8 years old. I have created this blog to share me and my families journey to Belize with you. At first, I was excited, but now I'm a little nervous. Meeting new friends, a new house, new community, new school, different country, etc. Well at least Belize is an English speaking country!
But it will be exciting to learn Spanish. In Belize most people speak English, but some people(about 1 quarter of the country) speak Spanish. I would LOVE if all of you could follow me on my adventure of a life time! About every week I will post a new blog. I would Love if you could give me updates on school, and other occasions etc. Christmas, Birthdays.
But it will be exciting to learn Spanish. In Belize most people speak English, but some people(about 1 quarter of the country) speak Spanish. I would LOVE if all of you could follow me on my adventure of a life time! About every week I will post a new blog. I would Love if you could give me updates on school, and other occasions etc. Christmas, Birthdays.
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